The palpable value of emotions

There is a value in things _ the most exciting _ that is mainly in what is perceived rather than in what is shown. 

It was 2004  and I was collaborating with Hotel Savoy in Florence as press officer.

At the time, a coffee in there, sitting at the table, was priced at 5 euros and it made a lot of people raise eyebrows, also because a little farther on the price was less than 1 euro.

En elegant English lady,  habituée of the hotel, commented on that subject: “This coffee is served in bone china cups and silver spoons, on hand-embroidered linen placemats and napkins, There are fresh flowers on the coffee table, the customer is not standing at the counter but sitting on one of the most beautiful squares on earth and inside one of the most exclusive five star hotels, luxury furnished, with a background relaxing and pleasant music. 

And that really cheers my hearth. It follows that sometimes, while at home,  I find myself rethinking to my Florentine coffees served righ here”.

In a few words, using many mental suggestions, this lady transmitted me all the potential of the added value that can stay inside and around a product.